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Class 11 MCQ Questions of Transport in Plants with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology with Answers are prepared according to the Latest Exam Pattern. Students can solve Class 11 Biology MCQ Questions of Transport in Plants with Answers and evaluate their preparation level. These MCQ Questions for Class 11 with answers clear for a fast correction of the Chapter subsequently assisting you with improving subject Knowledge.

Transportation is the process of movement of water and minerals to all parts of the plant body. Plants have a specific framework that empowers them to distribute water and minerals all through their body. They utilize a few cycles like movement, absorption, storage, and usage of water.

We Cover MCQ Questions from all Important Sub-Topics of Transport in Plants:

  1. Means of Transport
  2. Plant Water Relations
  3. Long Distance Transport of Water
  4. Transpiration
  5. Uptake and Transport of Mineral Nutrients
  6. Phloem Transport: Flow from Source to Sink

Have a look at the MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology and cross-check your answers during exam preparations.

Practice MCQ Questions for class 11 Biology

1. Dry seeds kept in water swell due to

(a) absorption
(b) diffusion
(c) imbibition
(d) none of these

2. Which of the following is decreased during increase in humidity in the atmosphere?

(a) Transpiration
(b) Photosynthesis
(c) Respiration
(d) Glycolysis

3. Two types of molecules cross the membrane in the same direction, it is called as

(a) Uniport
(b) Symport
(c) Antiport
(d) Multiport

4. The movement of mineral ions into plant root cells as a result of diffusion is called

(a) passive absorption
(b) active absorption
(c) osmosis
(d) endocytosis

5. The water potential and osmotic potential of pure water are

(a) zero and zero
(b) 100 and zero
(c) 100 and 100
(d) None of these.

6. Stomata open and close due to

(a) turgor pressure of guard cells
(b) pressure of gases inside the leaves
(c) genetic clock
(d) ircadian rhythm

7. In rainy season, door gets swelled due to

(a) imbibition
(b) transpiration
(c) diffusion
(d) respiration

8.  The casparian strip prevents water and minerals from entering the stele through the

(a) apoplast
(b) xylem vessel
(c) plasmodesmata
(d) symplast.

9. Mainly conduction of water in an angiosperm occurs through  

(a) tracheids
(b) xylem vessels 
(c) sieve tubes
(d) All of these

10. In soil, water available for roots (to plants) is 

(a) capillary water 
(b) hygroscopic water
(c) gravitational water 
(d) chemically bound water.

11. The direction and rate of water movement from cell to cell is based on

(a) WP 
(b) TP 
(c) DPD 
(d) incipient plasmolysis

12. Cohesion-tension theory is related to

(a) Transpiration
(b) Respiration
(c) Ascent of sap
(d) Photosynthesis

13. In wall of guard cell, cellulose microfibrils are arranged

(a) Transversely
(b) Tangently
(c) Radially
(d) Obliquely

14. Which of the following has highest water potential?

(a) 1 M sugar solution
(b) Distilled water
(c) 1 M salt solution
(d) 1 M sugar solution with 2-3 bar pressure

15. Proteins that form huge pores in the membrane of the certain organelles and bacteria are called as

(a) Porins
(b) Pressure gradient
(c) Enzymes
(d) Flaccid

16. The steroid hormones easily pass through the plasma membrane through simple diffusion because they are .

(a) Gaseous
(b) Carbon-based
(c) Water Soluble
(d) Lipid Soluble

17. Girdling around the trunk of a tree can cause it to ………. if it cannot regrow to bridge the wound

(a) Stop absorbing water
(b) Stop growing
(c) Die
(d) None of the above

18. The process responsible for facilitating loss of water in liquid form from the tip of grass blades at night and early morning is:

(a) Root pressure
(b) Imbibition
(c) Plasmolysis
(d) Transpiration

19. Xylem translocates:

(a) Water, minerals salts, some nitrogen and hormones
(b) Water only
(c) Water and mineral salts only
(d) Water, mineral and some organic nitrogen only

20. What is the direction of movement of sugars in phloem?

(a) Bi-directional
(b) Non-multidirectional
(c) Upward
(d) Downward

21. A column of water within xylem vessels of tall trees does not break under its weight because of

(a) dissolved sugars in water
(b) tensile strength of water
(c) lignification of xylem vessels
(d) positive root pressure

22. Which one gives the most valid and recent explanation for stomatal movements?

(a) Transpiration
(b) Potassium influx and efflux
(c) Starch hydrolysis
(d) Guard cell photosynthesis

23. Which one of the following elements in plants is not remobilised?

(a) Calcium
(b) Potassium
(c) Sulphur
(d) Phosphorus

24. The rupture and fractionation do not usually occur in the water column in vessel/tracheids during the ascent of sap because of

(a) lignified thick walls
(b) cohesion and adhesion
(c) weak gravitational pull
(d) transpiration pull

25. In which of the following plant sunken stomata are found?  

(a) Nerium
(b) Hydrilla 
(c) Mango 
(d) Guava


1. Answer : (c) imbibition

Explanation: Imbibition is a type of diffusion in which water is absorbed by solids or colloids which leads to increase in volume. This happens in case of dry wood and seeds.

2. Answer :  (a) Transpiration

Explanation: With the increase in humidity in atmosphere, rate of transpiration decreases.

3. Answer :  (b) Symport

Explanation: In symport, two types of molecules cross the membrane in the same direction.

4. Answer : (a) passive absorption

Explanation: Molecules or ions diffused from a region of their higher concentration to a region of their lower concentration. This movement of mineral ions into root cells as a result of diffusion is called passive absorption.

5. Answer :  (a) zero and zero

Explanation: The water potential of pure water is assumed to be zero, in order that the water potential of all solutions is negative. The osmotic potential is the potential due to dissolved solutes. In pure water, the amount of dissolved solute particles is zero, hence the osmotic potential is zero.

6. Answer :  (a) turgor pressure of guard cells

Explanation: Stomata open and close due to turgor pressure of guard cells. When turgid, they swell and bend outward.When they are flaccid, the tension from the wall is released and the stomatal aperture closes.

7. Answer :  (a) imbibition

Explanation: The swelling of wooden doors is caused by the process of imbibition. Imbibition is the absorption of water by solid particles of a substance without forming a solution.

8.  Answer : (a) apoplast

Explanation: The primary function of the casparian strip is to (a) force water and minerals through the membranes of endodermal cells. prevent entry into the stele solely through the apoplast.

9. Answer : (b) xylem vessels 

Explanation: The water absorbed by roots has to be conducted upward so as to meet the needs of tissues there. Water moves up through the lumen of xylem vessels.

10. Answer :  (a) capillary water 

Explanation: Capillary water in soil is available for root absorption. Capillary water fills the spaces between non- colloidal soil particles and forms films around them. This water is held by the capillary forces around and between the particles and is of greatest importance to plant life.

11. Answer :  (c) DPD 

Explanation: The difference between the diffusion pressure of the solutioon and its solvents at a particular temperature and atmospheric condition is called DPD. The direction and rate of water movement from cell to cell is based on DPD (Diffusionn Pressure Deficit).

12. Answer : (c) Ascent of sap

Explanation: Cohesion tension theory is a theory of ascent of sap.This theory however describes the movement of water from roots to the leaves of a plant. Because of osmosis water from soil reach the xylem of roots of a plant.

13. Answer :  (c) Radially

Explanation: Guard cells are another specialized cell type that have an unusual but very characteristic cell wall morphology. The cellulose microfibrils are arranged radially around the cell, and this arrangement, known as radial micellation, is important for proper stomatal function.

14. Answer :  (b) Distilled water

Explanation: Distilled water always has the highest water potential because it has no solute dissolved in it and also the pressure on the system is zero. As we keep on adding a solute to water, it’s water potential decreases.

15. Answer : (a) Porins

Explanation: The porins are proteins that form huge pore in the outer membrane of mitochondria, plastids and some bacteria.

16. Answer :  (d) Lipid Soluble

Explanation: Steroid hormones all are made up of cholesterol which is a lipid derivative synthesized by the liver cells. These hormones are lipid soluble that is why, their molecules pass freely through the lipid bilayer of the plasma membrane.

17. Answer :  (c) Die

Explanation:  Girdling results in the death of the area above the girdle over time. A branch completely girdled will fail and when the main trunk of a tree is girdled, the entire tree will die, if it cannot regrow from above to bridge the wound. Human practices of girdling include forestry, horticulture, and vandalism.

18. Answer :  (a) Root pressure

Explanation: Loss of water in liquid form from the tip of grass blades in night and in early morning is called guttation, which occurs due to positive root pressure.

19. Answer : (a) Water, minerals salts, some nitrogen and hormones

Explanation: Xylem translocates water, mineral salts, some organic nitrogen and hormones. It also provides mechanical strength to the plant. It is a complex tissue mainly comprising tracheids, vessels, xylem fibres and xylem parenchyma.

20. Answer :  (a) Bi-directional

Explanation:  The direction of the movement of sugar in the phloem is bidirectional as it depends on the source-sink relationship which is variable in the plants. Thus, the answer is option D- Bi-directional.

21. Answer :  (b) tensile strength of water

Explanation: Water column does not further break its connection from the tracheary elements because of another force called adhesion force between their walls and water molecules. Another force called surface tension accounts for high capillarity through tracheids and vessels.

22. Answer :  (b) Potassium influx and efflux

Explanation: Potassium influx and efflux is the most valid and recent explanation for stomatal movements.

23. Answer :  (a) Calcium

Explanation: Calcium is an element in plants that is not mobilised. This is because it is a structural component and hence needs to be localised.

24. Answer :  (b) cohesion and adhesion

Explanation: Water molecules remain attached to one another by a strong mutual force of attraction called cohesion force. Water column does not further break its connection from the tracheary elements (vessels and tracheids) because of another force called adhesion force between their walls and water molecules.

25. Answer :  (a) Nerium

Explanation: In xerophytes, the stomata are sunken as they are located in a cup-shaped depression (e.g., Nerium). It is an adaptation to reduce the loss of water in xerophytic plants.

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