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Notes of Natural Resources Class 9: Learn & Revise

Important topics covered in natural resources notes:

Natural Resources:

What is Biosphere?

Biotic components:

Abiotic components:


Role of atmosphere:


Wind in coastal regions:

Factors responsible for formation of winds:

Air Pollution:

Causes of air pollution:


Acid rain:

Green House Effect:

Effect of increase in COin atmosphere:

Remember: The change in the surrounding environment affect us and our activities affect our surrounding environment.

Ozone layer depletion:

Cause of Ozone layer depletion:



Water Pollution:

Causes of water pollution:


Soil Profile:

Horizons of soil (Layers of soil):

All the four layers of soil are given below:

The Humus Layer or “the topsoil” or “Horizon-A”


Subsoil or Horizon B

Horizon C or Regolith:

Horizon-R or Bedrock:

Formation of Soil: Several factors




Living organisms:

Composition of soil:

There are several things which contributes the composition.

Soil erosion:

Causes of soil erosion:

Earlier we have read about soil erosion , now in natural resources notes we have briefed it.

Major effects of soil erosion:

How can we prevent Soil Erosion?

We can prevent soil erosion by:

Biogeochemical cycles:

There are four main biogeochemical cycles which takes place on our planet. They are:

Water Cycle:

The continuous movement of water from the sky to the ground and then back again is said to be water cycle.

Different stages are involved in water cycle. They are:

The Carbon Cycle:

The importance of carbon on the planet Earth:

Carbon cycle involves the following processes:

Natural resources notes contain all the important topics to learn for CBSE board exam.

Nitrogen Cycle:

The sequence in which nitrogen passes from the atmosphere to the soil and organisms, and then is eventually released back into the atmosphere thus completes nitrogen cycle.

The following process are involved in the process of Nitrogen Cycle:

By lightning: The high temperature and pressure created during lightning convert nitrogen and water into nitrates and nitrites which get dissolved in water and aquatic plants and animals uses it.

By bacteria: Free living bacteria or the bacteria like Rhizobium present in the root nodules of legumes converts molecular nitrogen into nitrates and nitrites.

Oxygen cycle:

The cyclic process by which oxygen is circulated continuously through the living and non-living components and the quantity is maintained in the atmosphere is said to be oxygen cycle.

Importance of Oxygen on this earth:

Process involved in the oxygen cycle:

Further about this chapter we will read in higher section natural resources notes. To score better in examination one must learn each topic mannerly.


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