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Human Circulatory System

Human circulatory system:

When we talk of transportation in our day to day life, we think of only vehicles on roads, water and air. Apart from virtual transportation, our body also contains a large network of blood vessels for transportation of oxygen, nutrients as well as waste products outside the body. Transportation in human beings is carried out by circulatory system.

Circulatory System:

There are several components involved in the circulatory system:


Composition of blood:

  1. Plasma:
  1. Blood cells:

Difference between RBC, WBC and platelets:

Red Blood Cells
White Blood Cells
Blood Platelets
These blood cells are
circular, biconcave
and disc-shaped.
WBC’s are irregular,
colourless, larger than
RBCs. Also, they have a
large and lobed nucleus.
Blood platelets are oval or
round shaped, cells have no
RBC’s are produced in
long bones of the body.
WBC’s are produced in
the bone marrow, lymph
glands and spleen.
Platelets are formed in the
bone marrow.
The lifespan of RBCs is
120 days.
WBCs have lifespan of
13 to 20 days.
The lifespan of platelets is
8 to 9 days.
RBCs are made up of an
iron-containing respiratory
pigment called haemoglobin.
Haemoglobin transports
oxygen from the lungs to
WBCs provide immunity. Blood platelets play an
important role in blood


Function of blood:


Double circulation:

Blood pressure:

Blood vessels:

There are mainly three types of blood vessels:

  1. Artery
  2. Vein
  3. Capillaries

Difference between artery vein and capillaries:

Artery  Vein Capillaries
Artery is a blood vessel
having a elastic and thick
Vein is a blood vessel having
thin wall.
Capillaries are very narrow
blood vessel which has very
thin walls.
Arteries carry blood from the
heart to different parts of the
It brings blood from different
parts to the heart.
It forms a network throughout
the body in all living cells
connecting arteries to veins.
On regulatory demand of the
body it can dilate or constrict.
It can’t dilate or constrict
under normal condition.
Capillaries can dilate or
construct according to the
requirement of tissue.
It doesn’t contain any valve. Vein contains valves that
allow the blood to flow in one
direction towards the heart.
It doesn’t have any valve.
All arteries carry oxygenated
blood except pulmonary
All veins carry deoxygenated
blood except pulmonary vein.
It contains mixed blood as it
connects arteries and veins
Aorta is the largest artery. N/A N/A
It has narrow cavity through
which the blood flows.
It has broad cavity through
which the blood flows.

Lymph and Lymphatic System:

Blood clotting or coagulation:

Coagulation or blood clotting is the process by which blood changes from a liquid to a gel (when lesion/wound/cut), forming a blood clot.

Blood clotting mechanism:

Also read,
Life processes
Nutrition in plants Nutrition in animals
Respiration in plants Human respiratory system
Transportation in plants Control and coordination


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