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Class 11 MCQ Questions of Anatomy of Flowering Plants with Answers

Here you will find Class 11 Biology MCQ Questions of Anatomy of Flowering Plants with Answers based on the NCERT textbook and latest exam pattern. Solve the free MCQ Questions for class 11 Biology a better understanding of the various topics. Important Objective type Questions helps you in revisions of this chapter and also helping to know exact way real exam question paper of MCQ Questions of Anatomy of Flowering Plants.

Plant anatomy refers to the study of the interior structures of the plant. Plants are made from a spread of cells that are organized into tissues. Tissues are further organized into organs that perform particular functions to hold out the life processes of the plants.

Plants comprise two organ system – the root system and the shoot system. The roots absorb water and minerals from the soil which is transported to different organs of the plant through the stem. The leaves perform photosynthesis whereas the flowers are the reproductive organs of a plant.

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Practice MCQ Questions for class 11 Biology

1. Bicollateral bundles are found in the stem of

(a) Pumpkin
(b) Sunflower
(c) Dracaena
(d) Gram

2. How many radial vascular bundles are found in dicot roots?

(a) Four
(b) Six
(c) Two
(d) One

3. Bordered pits are found in

(a) Vessel wall
(b) Sieve cells
(c) Sieve tube
(d) Companion cells

4. The chief water-conducting elements of the xylem in gymnosperms are :

(a) tracheids
(b) fibres
(c) transfusion tissue
(d) None of these

5. The common bottle cork is a product of

(a) Phellogen
(b) Vascular cambium
(c) Dermatogen
(d) Xylem

6. Which of the following does not have stomata?

(a) Submerged hydrophytes
(b) Xerophytes
(c) Mesophytes
(d) Hydrophytes

7. Collenchyma occurs in the stem and petioles of 

(a) xerophytes
(b) monocots
(c) dicot herbs
(d) hydrophytes

8. Pericycle of roots produces 

(a) mechanical support
(b) lateral roots
(c) vascular bundles
(d) adventitious buds

9. Commercial cork is obtained from 

(a) Berberis/Barberry
(b) Salix/Willow
(c) Quercus/Oak
(d) Betula/Birch

10. Loading of phloem is related to

(a) increase of sugar in phloem
(b) elongation of phloem cell
(c) separation of phloem parenchyma
(d) strengthening of phloem fiber

11. In dicot roots, the initiation of the lateral roots and the vascular cambium during the secondary growth takes place in:

(a) Pericycle
(b) Endodermis
(c) Conjunctive tissue
(d) Epidermis

12. Age of a tree can be estimated by?

(a) its height and girth
(b) biomass
(c) number of annual rings
(d) diameter of its heartwood

13. In land plants, the guard cells differ from other epidermal cells in having:-

(a) mitochondria
(b) endoplasmic reticulum
(c) chloroplasts
(d) cytoskeleton

14. Endodermis cells are rich in

(a) cellulose
(b) starch grains
(c) fibers
(d) resins and wax

15. A wood with scattered parenchyma is called

(a) Paratracheal
(b) Apotracheal
(c) Syntracheal
(d) None of the above

16. Diffuse porous woods are characteristic of plants growing in

(a) alpine region
(b) cold winter regions
(c) temperature climate
(d) tropics

17. The region consisting of dead elements with highly lignified walls is called

(a) Autumn wood
(b) Spring wood
(c) Sap wood
(d) Heart wood

18. In a monocot leaf

(a) bulliform cells are absent from the epidermis
(b) veins from a network
(c) mesophyll is well-differentiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma
(d) mesophyll is not differentiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma

19. Stem of date palm increases in girth due to the activity of

(a) Intercalary meristem
(b) Apical meristem
(c) Lateral meristem
(d) None of the above

20. Closed vascular bundles lack

(a) pith
(b) xylem
(c) cambium
(d) xylem vessels

21. Stem of date palm increases in girth due to the activity of

(a) Intercalary meristem
(b) Apical meristem
(c) Lateral meristem
(d) None of the above

22. “Patua” is obtained from Hibiscus sabdariffa is

(a) Secondary phloem
(b) Collenchymatous hypodermis
(c) Pericycle
(d) Epidermis

23. What is “Rhytidome”:

(a) Bark
(b) Dead tissue separated by periderm on the outer side
(c) Dead tissue separated by periderm on the inner side
(d) Secondary cortex

24. In a hollow stem, what is most affected

(a) Conduction of food
(b) Conduction of water
(c) Storage of food
(d) None of the above

25. In a woody dicotyledonous tree, which of the following parts will mainly consist of primary tissues?

(a) all parts
(b) stem and root
(c) flowers, fruits, and leaves
(d) shoot tips and root tips


1. Answer : (a) Pumpkin

Explanation: Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family and has bicollateral vascular bundle in its stem.

2. Answer :  (a) Four

Explanation: There are usually two to four radial vascular bundles found in the dicot root.

3. Answer : (a) Vessel wall

Explanation: The bordered pits are found in the vessel wall. Vessel elements are the building blocks of vessels that constitute the major part of the water transporting system in the plants. Xylem tissues consist of both the tracheids and vessel elements. Pits are present in the sidewalls of a vessel element and also in tracheids.

4. Answer : (a) tracheids

Explanation: The chief water-conducting elements of the xylem in gymnosperms are tracheids. These are elongated cells with tapering ends and are dead because of the deposition of lignin.

5. Answer : (a) Phellogen

Explanation: The cells of the cork cambium divide to produce an outer corky tissue (cork or phellem) and an inner secondary cortex (phelloderm). The common bottle cork produced from Quercus suber is a product of phellogen.

6. Answer :  (a) Submerged hydrophytes

Explanation:Submerged hydrophytes are plants that stay fully submerged under the water. They do not contain stomata as no transpiration is required in these plants.

7. Answer :  (c) dicot herbs

Explanation: Collenchyma occurs in the stem and petioles of dicot herbs. Due to the deposition of pectin, it has a high water-retaining capacity. Since pectin appears at the angles, it becomes a spongy tissue. The collenchyma is a mechanical tissue that gives tensile strength to the plant.

8. Answer :  (b) lateral roots

Explanation: Pericycle of root produces lateral roots. It is the seat of origin of lateral roots and cork cambium. The root branches are, therefore described as endogenous in origin.

9. Answer :  (c) Quercus/Oak

Explanation:Commercial cork is derived from the periderm layers of a Quercus suber plant (cork oak tree). The plant typically exhibits extra Stelar secondary growth and shapes the cork layers.

10. Answer :  (a) increase of sugar in phloem

Explanation: As a result, phloem loading is linked to an increase in sugar in the phloem rather than the elongation of the phloem cell, separation of the phloem parenchyma, or phloem fiber strength.

11. Answer :  (a) Pericycle

Explanation: Pericycle cells are thick-walled parenchymatous cells that lie next to the endodermis. Initiation of lateral roots and vascular cambium take place from these cells.

12. Answer :  (c) number of annual rings

Explanation:The age of the tree can be estimated by the number of annual rings. The two kinds of woods that appear as alternate concentric rings, constitute an annual ring heartwood that comprises dead elements with highly lignified walls that give mechanical support to the stem. 

13. Answer :  (c) chloroplasts

Explanation:The guard cells differ from the epidermal cells in the following aspects: The guard cells contain chloroplasts, so they can manufacture food by photosynthesis (The epidermal cells of terrestrial plants do not contain chloroplasts) Guard cells are the only epidermal cells that can make sugar. 

14. Answer :  (b) starch grains

Explanation:The cells of the endodermis are rich in starch grains therefore layer is also referred to as the starch sheath.

15. Answer :  (b) Apotracheal

Explanation: Wood is classified into three groups depending on the distribution of parenchyma, these are namely, apotracheal with scattered parenchyma, paratracheal wood with parenchyma arranged or distributed in the form of masses or groups, and syntracheal wood with parenchyma arranged around the vessels.

16. Answer :  (d) tropics

Explanation: Such wood is known as porous. In porous wood, if vessels have essentially equal diameters and are uniformly distributed throughout the ring, the wood is known as diffuse-porous. It is characteristic of plants growing in the tropics.

17. Answer : (d) Heart wood

Explanation:The greater part of the secondary xylem in old trees is dark brown due to the deposition of organic compounds in the central or innermost layers of the stem. This region comprises dead elements with highly lignified walls and is called heartwood.

18. Answer :  (d) mesophyll is not differentiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma

Explanation: The vascular bundles are collateral and closed type in the monocot leaves and each one is surrounded by a bundle sheath which is a layer of thin-walled parenchymatous cells. So, the correct answer is ‘Mesophyll is not differentiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma.

19. Answer :  (b) Apical meristem

Explanation: The stem of the date palm is increased in girth due to apical meristem activity and not by intercalary meristem and lateral meristem (involved in normal secondary growth of dicots). Therefore, the enlargement of these peripheral cells results in an increase in the girth of date palm.

20. Answer :  (c) cambium

Explanation: Closed vascular bundles lack a layer of tissue that produces partially undifferentiated cells and helps in secondary growth. Closed type vascular bundles are commonly found in monocot plants. 

21. Answer :  (b) Apical meristem

Explanation:The stem of the date palm is increased in girth due to apical meristem activity and not by intercalary meristem and lateral meristem (involved in normal secondary growth of dicots). Therefore, the enlargement of these peripheral cells results in an increase in the girth of date palm.

22. Answer : (a) Secondary phloem

Explanation: Patua is obtained from the secondary phloem of Hibiscus sabdariffa. The secondary phloem from the stem of Hibiscus sabdariffa is harvested for the production of bast fibers. These fibers are used as a substitute for jute. So, the correct answer is ‘Secondary phloem’

23. Answer :  (b) Dead tissue separated by periderm on the outer side

Explanation:The rhytidome is the most familiar part of the bark, being the outer layer that covers the trunks of trees. It is composed mostly of dead cells and is produced by the formation of multiple layers of suberized periderm, cortical, and phloem tissue.

24. Answer : (c) Storage of food

Explanation:The hollow stem consists of water and the food store is most affected by the hollow stem. Pith is used to store and distribute nutrients. Therefore, choice C- Storage of food is the correct answer. Note: Since this defect occurs in growing time the hollow stem will not increase in size after harvest.

25. Answer :  (c) flowers, fruits, and leaves

Explanation: Flowers, fruits, and leaves develop from apical meristem (primary tissue) that is responsible for primary growth. They lack lateral meristem which causes secondary growth. So, from the above discussion, it is clear that the flowers, fruits, and leaves of the woody dicotyledonous tree mainly consist of primary tissue.

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