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Class 12 NCERT Books: Download PDF in Hindi & English Medium

Class 12 NCERT books

Class 12 NCERT books:

If you are wandering for Class 12 NCERT books then you are at right place. All subjects of Science, Arts and commerce stream are available Here. Here you will get Books of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Political Science, Geography, History, Economics, English, Hindi, Sociology, Psychology, Accountancy, Business Studies etc. in pdf format with Hindi and English medium. UPSC aspirant can also download it.

Science: Class 12 NCERT books

Read and download the pdf of all books of class 12 included in the science stream. CBSE class 12 NCERT books are all way referred. Thus, read and download it to prepare in a better way for your board exams.


NCERT Biology for class 12
S.N Chapters Hindi Medium
1 Reproduction in Organisms जीवों में जनन
2 Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants पुष्पी पादपों में लैंगिक जनन
3 Human Reproduction मानव जनन
4 Reproductive Health जनन स्वास्थ्य
5 Principle of Inheritance and Variation वंशागति तथा विविधता के सिद्धांत
6 Molecular Basis of Inheritance वंशागति के आणविक आधार
7 Evolution विकास
8 Human Health and Diseases मानव स्वास्थ्य तथा रोग
9 Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production खाद्य उत्पादन में वृद्धि की कार्यनीति
10 Microbes in Human Welfare मानव कल्याण में सूक्ष्म जीव
11 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes जैव प्रौद्योगिकी – सिद्धांत व प्रक्रम
12 Biotechnology and its Applications जैव प्रौद्योगिकी एवं उसके उपयोग
13 Organisms and Populations जीव और समष्टियाँ
14 Ecosystem पारितंत्र
15 Biodiversity and Conservation जीव विविधतता एवं संरक्षण
16 Environmental Issues पर्यावरण के मुद्दे

Download Biology book from Class 12 NCERT books.


Arts stream books i.e. History, Political Science, Geography, Economics, Sociology, Psychology is here available. Download Class 12 NCERT books from here.

Political science

NCERT Political Science for Class 12
S.N Chapters Hindi Medium
1 The Cold War Era शीतयुद्ध का दौर
2 The End of Bipolarity दो ध्रुवीयता का अंत
3 US Hegemony in World Politics समकालीन विश्व में अमरीकी वर्चश्व
4 Alternative Centres of Power सत्ता के वैकल्पिक केंद्र
5 Contemporary South Asia समकालीन दक्षिण एशिया
6 International Organisations अन्तराष्ट्रीय संगठन
7 Security in the Contemporary World समकालीन विश्व में सुरक्षा
8 Environment and Natural Resources प्रयावरण और प्राकृतिक संशाधन
9 Globalisation वैश्वीकरण
Part 2
10 Challenges of Nation Building राष्ट्र निर्माण की चुनौतियाँ
11 Era of One-Party Dominance एक दल के प्रभुत्व का दौर
12 Politics of Planned Development नियोजित विकाश की राजनीती
13 India’s External Relations भारत के विदेश सम्बन्ध
14 Challenges to and Restoration of Congress System कांग्रेस प्रणाली: चुनौतियाँ और पुनर्स्थापना
15 The Crisis of Democratic Order लोकतान्त्रिक व्यवस्था का संकट
16 Rise of Popular Movements जन अन्दोलोनों का उदय
17 Regional Aspirations क्षेत्रीय आकांक्षाएं
18 Recent Developments in Indian Politics भारतीय राजनीती: नए बदलाव

Also, download Political science from class 12 NCERT books.


NCERT Sociology for class12
Indian society
S.N Chapters Hindi-medium
1 Introducing Indian Society भारतीय समाज
2 The Demographic Structure of the Indian Society भारतीय समाज की जनसांख्यिकीय संरचना
3 Social Institutions: Continuity and Change सामाजिक संस्थाएं: निरंतरता एवं परिवर्तन
4 The Market as a Social Institution बाज़ार एक सामाजिक संस्था के रूप में
5 Patterns of Social Inequality and Exclusion सामाजिक विषमता एवं बहिष्कार के स्वरुप
6 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity सांस्कृतिक विविधता की चुनौतियां
7 Suggestions for Project Work परियोजना कार्य के लिए सुझाव
Social change and development in India
1 Structural Change संरचनात्मक परिवर्तन
2 Cultural Change सांस्कृतिक परिवर्तन
3 The Story of Indian Democracy भारतीय लोकतंत्र की कहानियां
4 Change and Development in Rural Society ग्रामीण समाज में विकास एवं परिवर्तन
5 Change and Development in Industrial Society औद्योगिक समाज में परिवर्तन और विकास
6 Globalisation and Social Change भूमंडलीकरण और सामाजिक परिवर्तन
7 Mass Media and Communications जनसंपर्क साधन और जनसंचार
8 Social Movements सामाजिक आन्दोलन

Class 12 NCERT books are available here free of cost to download.


You can download commerce stream Class 12 NCERT books from here. You can avail books of Accountancy (both parts) and business studies from the below table.

NCERT Books in Hindi and English Medium:

The best part here is that you can avail class 12 NCERT books from here in Hindi as well as English medium. Also, you can download it chapter wise. The table of contents is here to decide whether the chapters are available to download or not. Hence, you can download class 12 NCERT books and score better in your exams. Also read math formula.

Download and read NCERT books of all subjects for class 6th to 12th in Hindi and English medium. Please visit – NCERT books download.

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One Comment

  1. raman raman April 24, 2019

    12th class physical education book english medium

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