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Class 11 MCQ Questions of Breathing and Exchange of Gases with Answers

Class 11 Biology MCQ Questions of Breathing and Exchange of Gases with Answers helps you for Class 11 and NEET entrance exams. This contains 20 MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology Breathing & Exchange of Gases to study with detailed solutions. The solved MCQ Questions with answers in quiz give you a good mix of easy questions and tough questions.

We need energy to perform various activities. This energy is derived from the catabolism of various components of food, eg: – proteins, carbohydrates, fats, etc. Oxygen is required for catabolic processes and carbon dioxide is released in the process. So, the body requires a continuous exchange of gases, oxygen from the atmosphere is taken inside and carbon dioxide produced is taken out. This process of gaseous exchange is called breathing or respiration.

Class 11 students definitely take this Test for a better result in the exam. You can find other MCQ Questions for class 11 for NEET and Board exam on Sarthaks eConnect as well by searching below.

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